Friday, April 12, 2013

painted painting

sometimes you paint the painting, and sometimes the painting paints itself. 

John Cage talked about working long enough to expel (the presence of) everyone from your studio, even yourself in the end.  the way i work is congruous with this.  i leave myself open to spontaneity, which creates an environment in which something magical might happen.  of course that lack of structure may just as often leave you with a mess.

Cage also talked about separating the process of analysis from creation.  i am conscious of that, having experienced the negative effects of performing both simultaneously.  i may be overly conscious of it in fact, often minimizing the analysis part.  today; this painting, i think, was the result of the right amount of everything.  i did paint long enough to vacate.  i moved past the point where the marks were precious and got to where i was free to work the whole painting without fear or hesitation.  i got De Kooning out of here.  i worked, then analyzed, then worked some more.  not too much of either, but the necessary amount.

will i love this painting on monday?  i might.  it's craploads better than what is underneath it.  (this is painted over the last painting i posted, below)

now it's time to let it ferment for the weekend.  see it on monday with new, critical eyes.

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